My wife and I drove from San Antonio, Texas to Vancouver, staying in moderately priced hotels along the way. We selected those hotels based on price and reviews from previous travelers. They were clean, comfortable, provided breakfast and with minor exceptions all met our needs.
In Vancouver, my wife wanted to be downtown and get a nicer hotel. The price was double what we had paid for other hotels, but she wanted a little something extra. Well, we got it! We had to pay extra for parking in their underground garage, but it was secure and convenient. The lobby was spectacular, with a fireplace and friendly staff eager to meet our every need. The room was really nice, with a kitchenette and dining table. Everything was better than the other places we had stayed on this trip. Instead of the usual paper or Styrofoam, the coffee cups were Royal Doulton china. There was a full set of stainless ware instead of plastic stirrers. The bathroom was stocked with Paul Mitchell soap and shampoo and plenty of supplies, so we wouldn’t run out. Everything was much nicer than what we were used to. Yes, it was nice, but we will leave in a few days and our next hotel will be more modest. Those hotels will be fine, but we will always compare them to the “nice one” in Vancouver.
That is how this life is. We won’t be here for very much longer and will soon have to go on to what is next. For Christians the best is yet to come! For the “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him” (1 Cor 2:9 KJV). Heaven is so much better; it is beyond our imagination. Unlike our brief stay in the nice hotel, Heaven will never end!
For unrepentant sinners, this is the best they will get, and it will come to an end very soon. Their next stay will be in Hell, where they will pay for their sins forever. They will forever compare to what they missed in Heaven. It doesn’t have to happen “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). If they will accept JESUS as their Savior, one of the benefits is an eternal upgrade like you can’t imagine!
Wayne Lance (2017)