A Noisy Christmas

     We lived overseas for the past 15 years, and weren’t always able to come home for Christmas. The last time we spent Christmas with family, in our own home; our daughter was still in college, she and my two sisters-in-law were single and my mother-in-law lived with us. That means this Christmas will be different from any other.

     Our home is a hub of noisy activity with our grandchildren adding laughter, never-ending questions and boundless energy. Grandma enjoys shopping and spending time with them. Our daughter and son-in-law are happy to share the kid’s energy with Grandma and Grandpa. My sisters-in-law enjoy quality time (shopping) with Susan and their husbands are welcome additions to the family.

     Many Americans celebrate Christmas with lights and decorations adorning the outside of their homes.  Some go to the extreme, with elaborate displays.  A tradition is to drive around and “look at the lights.” We are still settling in and didn’t get to decorate outside this year, other than a wreath on the front door. 

     We decorated the interior of our house to celebrate Jesus coming to save us.  Instead of a Christmas tree, we displayed Nativity scenes throughout the house.  My grandson asked, “Where will you put the presents?”  It gave me an opportunity to remind him, Jesus is the greatest present ever.  To ensure his joy, we piled the “other presents” by the fireplace.  We won’t need the fireplace with warm weather expected. 

     Our house will be full on Christmas day.  We will open presents and eat breakfast at my daughter’s house after Church.   Everyone will come to our house for more presents and more food.  Susan is going rogue this year, serving beef (After all, this is Texas)! My thoughtful Aunt blessed us with a ham and Susan’s sisters will add goodies to the menu.

     It will be a wonderful day, but with all the hustle and bustle that comes from a “busy” Christmas, we will take extra care to remember the reason for the season.  I will watch “The Nativity” and see how GOD came into this world for us.  His love should help us to remember the real gift of Christmas is JESUS.  We thank GOD for loving us so much and sending His Son that we might have everlasting life!

Wayne Lance (2016)