I was working on one of my stories when I heard Cindy Morgan singing about a “real life” and it reminded me of one of my managers at work who mentioned that she goes to bed early “maybe because I don’t have a life.” I’m sure that healthy, attractive and successful lady does have “a life” and meant she wasn’t kept busy with social activities. Someone hearing her statement might jokingly advise her to “get a life.”
That made me consider what “a real life” is. Many of us are so busy making a living, we spend little time thinking about what that life should be. We have things we must do and want to do or experience, but is that life? My own life seems wonderful for me, but am I the only one my life is for? My life includes my family, friends and loved ones because their well-being directly affects me, but should it stop there?
I see and hear about people every day whose lives are in turmoil. War, poverty, corruption, and disasters take a heavy toll that I can do very little about. Can I ignore those masses of human misery and enjoy my “life” of contentment? Even if I sacrificed my life for them, it wouldn’t be enough to make much of a difference. I have tried to help some people with money and advice. Some took both, added their own efforts and are now doing fine. Others took only the money (and wanted more), made little effort and are worse off now than before I tried to help.
Defining what is most important might help us determine our part and what we can do for others. Would my life be considered good if I lived in comfort, good health, and abundance and then spent an eternity in Hell? Obviously, where we will spend eternity should be considered when planning or evaluating our brief “life” on earth. Perhaps our focus when helping others should change?
My “real life” is found in Jesus Christ and that will be the main focus of what I will share with others. That can have an eternal effect on their lives. Jesus told us to glorify him by showing his love to others. That will draw the lost to him, where they can find “real life.” With God’s help I will love the Lord and will love my neighbor as myself.
Wayne Lance (2015)