A Tale of Two Places

During our vacation road-trip we, visited many nice places and we enjoyed them for different reasons. Examples would be a restaurant in Charleston, where we really enjoyed shrimp and grits! Another place would be Ted’s Montana Grill, where Buffalo meat is their specialty. The food was great, but the nicest part of that place was time spent with our dear friends. Two other places stood out for vastly different reasons.

One of the most extravagant places we visited was the Biltmore Estate, in Asheville, North Carolina. Built by one of the “Captains of American Industry,” it is the largest private residence under one roof in the US. He didn’t need a 175,000 sq ft house; he had a massive fortune and wanted to show it off. I remember walking through beautiful rooms that displayed the finest workmanship, materials and furnishings money could buy. Equipped with bowling lanes, a gym and an indoor pool, it took a staff of 40 servants to run the place. The estate includes 8,000 acres that are as impressive as the house. Valued at over $100 million, it has been reduced to a tourist attraction. The original owner would shudder at what has become of his grand residence. The estate draws tourists and supports the local economy, but the original display of wealth and power has been consumed by the system that enabled it to be built.

Another place was also built on a grand scale, but unlike the Biltmore, this place was built for visitors. The Ark Encounter is a life-sized replica of the Biblical Ark and tells the miraculous story behind its role in preserving mankind and animals. It’s hard to comprehend the faith and obedience of Noah, what it took to build the massive vessel and how GOD used them to give the world a fresh start. The tasteful displays and information gave a sense of the scale of the original project. Interwoven in the story is a validation of the accuracy of the Biblical account and a reminder of the value of faith in GOD and our obedience. It also illustrates the destructive power of sin and the judgment of GOD. I didn’t need convincing the Bible is real, but seeing what it took in both faith and action, reminded me that GOD is able and we are His hands. I’m glad that place is shining the light of JESUS CHRIST to a world that needs saving again.

GOD still wants us to do big things for Him, but He sent JESUS to do what we couldn’t. “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). It still takes faith to be saved, but this time “salvation” is open to “whosoever believeth” and once again there is life for believing and destruction for unbelief. Like the Ark, this wonderful offer will expire. It expires when you do. Everyone left outside GOD’s forgiveness when they die will suffer eternal destruction, so “now is the day of salvation” (2 Cor 6:2 KJV). Don’t wait until it’s too late, your decision will determine where you spend eternity. Heaven and Hell were created for very different purposes.

Wayne Lance (2020)