If you try to tell a non-Christian about JESUS, they will tell you “I don’t believe.” Too often that brings the conversation to an abrupt halt. Unlike other subjects, people expect you to “respect” their non-belief and stop trying. If the stakes weren’t a matter of eternal life and death, I might agree. Would you stand by and watch someone step in a hole because they don’t believe it is there? It is hard to hold back, but if you keep trying the direct approach, you could drive them away. I try to avoid that stone wall of rejection. Maybe there is another way?
Maybe you can try an indirect approach? There are several ways, but one is to testify how GOD changed your life or met a need. Like a witness in court, you are presenting evidence to prove the facts of your case. Don’t react to sarcasm or try to defend your faith. Your objective is to win hearts, not arguments. Present the evidence then move on, and only continue on the subject if they ask.
A less direct approach is to tell them what GOD did for someone else. I use my Pastor’s testimonies because they are dramatic examples and easy to understand. Like when he was miraculously healed of a brain tumor. I can express my agreement without directly challenging the person. Again, don’t argue the merits.
You could present JESUS as the answer to another person’s problem, but you should proceed with caution. People can’t just plug in the right words and get GOD’s promises. For “he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him” (Heb 11:6 KJV). Yes, GOD can do a lot with a little faith, but seldom works with none.
The least direct approach is to be a living witness in your own life. Asking for GOD’s help and letting people see the results in you is hard to dispute. That is an essential part of an effective witness. If they don’t see JESUS working in your life, they won’t believe your words. Prayer should always be part of your witness and don’t discount what the HOLY SPIRIT will be doing.
You may not have time to be indirect and GOD can help you tell someone “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3 KJV). It is a little easier to say, “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). People are more likely to accept GOD’s love than His discipline, but they need to know rejection will lead to eternal death.
Wayne Lance (2018)