I like keeping in touch with my family and friends on Facebook. Years of living overseas because of my work, left me wanting to connect with my family. We retired in Texas but most of my relatives live in Tennessee and Florida and Susan’s are mostly in the Philippines. In addition, we have good friends living around the world. Each of them has a place in our heart and we want to keep in touch. Facebook isn’t perfect, but much better than e-mail or letters.
It’s not always easy to know what’s in someone’s heart when it comes to social media because some people post very little, and others only post what they want you to see. My niece is an exception. She shares everything on Facebook. You can tell what’s in her heart because she is constantly posting pictures of her children. We get to share in their worries, celebrations, and accomplishments. Then she reposts them as they show up as memories. She also shares pictures of their pets, and they have lots of pets of all sorts! She also shares extended family pictures, and yes, she has a big family! Her mother recently passed away and you can see the pain she is going through in every post. I am so glad I get to share what is in her heart!
For some people I worry about what they have in their heart, because of what I see on their Facebook page. Yes, I see requests for prayer when they are in trouble and words of support when someone else is, but I also see a lot of trashy posts. I know their children and grandchildren see what they post, and it bothers me that it might be what’s in their heart.
My family isn’t that much different than anyone else. I see people who proclaim how they love JESUS but fill up their Facebook page with pictures of themselves, some in suggestive poses or immodestly dressed. Yes, some of them are young, single, and looking for love but do they want the kind of person those pictures attract? For others, they fill up their page with celebrity gossip and scandals. JESUS said, “out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh” (Mat 12:34 KJV) so isn’t that the same with your Facebook page?
I’m not suggesting that everyone should limit their posts to Bible scriptures, but shouldn’t our posts reflect what is important to us? I say yes and JESUS said, “feed my sheep” (John 21:16)! If we truly believe “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV) shouldn’t we be sharing that message with a lost and dying world and with our loved ones?
If we have made JESUS CHRIST or LORD and SAVIOR, shouldn’t we love GOD with our everything (Mat 22:37), including our Facebook page? If we love our neighbor as ourselves (Mat 22:39) shouldn’t we try to share the Good News with more of the 150,000 people who die each day before they slip into eternity? I think we should.
If your heart isn’t abundantly full of JESUS don’t bother trying to put on a show. Satan’s heart is full of hatred, and he will defeat you without an abundance of JESUS in yours! JESUS is ready to abundantly fill your heart whenever you are. Just don’t wait too long.
Wayne Lance (2022) – That’s Good News to Share!