Accept Your Gifts

That was easy for my grandson! Grandma bought him a laser tag set and he immediately opened the package. He recruited his sisters, who had their own presents, to play with him and his gift. At 13 years old, he received mostly “teenager gifts,” but the kid in him still wants to play. Grandma’s gift gave him that chance and he gratefully accepted it.

My granddaughters are younger and received many precious gifts and carefully packed them up to make sure they made it home. Yes, they loved their gifts and will spend countless hours playing with them, while their older brother plays his video games. They wanted to keep all their gifts and didn’t say no to any of them.

While the emphasis was on the grandchildren, Grandma and I both have our share of presents. Among other things, Grandma got a new watch, and I got a battery for my weed eater. Our presents are what we needed and wanted. They won’t be returned and will get plenty of use.

While they weren’t Christmas presents, Grandma recently gave my youngest granddaughter several pretty dresses. When they came to our house, for Christmas, they returned those dresses. Olivia is a pretty little girl and Grandma really wants to dress up her little doll. She prefers jeans and tee-shirts and would rather run and play, than wear pretty clothes. Fortunately, Grandma kept her receipts and can return the dresses to the store.

What did you do with your gifts? What about that baby in the manager? Remember how the Christmas stories stirred your heart? Even with all the other distractions, did you remember the true “reason for the season?” Did you leave JESUS under the tree or pack Him away until next Christmas? That is your most precious gift, but you must accept Him!

That “Holy Night” wasn’t the end of the story, but the beginning! JESUS was born in a stable and laid in a manger on His way to the cross! We celebrate that “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son” but that gift is only of any value to “whosoever believeth in him” (John 3:16 KJV). Don’t reject that gift!

Fortunately, GOD won’t give up on you “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23 KJV). The offer is still good and the gift is waiting for your acceptance. Many have accepted, but that didn’t diminish the supply. Once you accept that precious gift, you need to share it with a lost and dying world, so they too can receive eternal life! Only the living can accept JESUS as their Savior! Unfortunately, most will reject “the gift of GOD” and will have to pay “the wages of sin.” Don’t let that be you! Accept you gift right now!

Wayne Lance (2018)