According To Plan

As I drove through a subdivision, I could tell the houses were built according to plan. They weren’t exactly alike but were of similar quality. They were brick or stone, some had two stories, while others only had one. Some homes were painted white and others brighter or darker colors, but you could tell the colors were intentional.

One obvious difference in the houses was the level of care the owners put into them. Built at about the same time, many of the houses were well maintained and looked new, while others were neglected and seemed older. Some had damaged roofs that needed to be replaced and faded paint and damaged siding indicated neglect. Another problem was that some homes were used as repair shops or for storage. The street was lined with broken cars, the yards filled with stuff.

What’s the big deal if the homes are cared for or not? It could be a sign the people who live there have other priorities. Sadly, if you don’t take care of your house, it won’t be able to shelter you from wind and rain, the freezing cold, or the heat of summer. Insects will cause the structure to fail, and leaking roofs and damaged siding will eventually damage the inside. Electrical systems can result in a fire, and gas leaks can cause explosions! The neglected homes could eventually cause damage to the homes that are cared for. Those homes weren’t cared for according to the builder’s plan, and it could hurt everyone.

Why can’t people use their home for what they want? That’s not what they were made for! They were designed for people to live in and made according to that plan. Garages and warehouses are specially designed to safely perform their purposes. Residential homes might fail if used for other things and everyone could suffer for it.

Children are much like those homes. Each one is different but made according to plan. Some were made short, some will be tall, some bigger and some small but they were made according to the Maker’s plan. Some were born male, and some female, and neither were mistakes (Gen 1:27). They come in many variations of red, and yellow, brown, black, and white and they are each one precious in GOD’s site.

You can tell the ones that have not been cared for. It could be a sign their family has other priorities. They need care or they will suffer from neglect and can be damaged on the inside if let go for too long. Damaged children grow up to be damaged adults and everyone will suffer. Children don’t have to grow up neglected and damaged. What can we do about damaged children, isn’t that the government’s job? The government can’t tell a man from woman and kicked GOD out of school! Can we trust them to fix damaged children?

The Bible says, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it” (Prov 22:6 KJV). Children are also one of those neighbors JESUS said to love as yourself (Mat 22:39). If you love their parents like you should, they will train up their children and there won’t be a problem. Let’s give then to JESUS and “if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature…all things are become new” (2 Cor 5;17 KJV). JESUS is always the answer!

Wayne Lance (20230 – That’s Good News to Share!