Another Chance

     Our Pastor challenged us to ask people if they know Jesus.   He said he is still waiting for the first person to ask him in a public place.  He specifically suggested “while you are in Walmart, ask someone if they know JESUS.”  It seems like a good idea while I was sitting in Church, surrounded by believers, and essential with an eternity in Heaven or Hell hanging in the balance.  Why not give someone another chance?

     I reasoned that I was doing my part on the internet.  After all, I send my stories to potentially thousands of people each week.  Isn’t that enough?  My stories are a witness, but don’t always get directly to the point of salvation.  Encouraged by our Pastor’s message, I went home and sent out a pointed message to the “Friends” on my wife’s Facebook page.  It read “Are you saved? Do you know JESUS CHRIST as your Savior?  He made the first move and now it is up to you. If you need more information, let me know.”  After getting few responses, I commented “128 Friends and 6 responses. We must be in good shape!” to bring up the subject again and give them another chance.

     Yesterday I found myself at Walmart, waiting for Susan to come out of the hairdresser.  I sat on a bench and an older gentleman sat down beside me.  Remembering the message, I felt I should ask this man if he knows JESUS.  I struggled to come up with the right words.  The words on his hat suggested he was a veteran, so I asked if he had retired from the military.  That started a brief conversation the led to me asking if he attended a Church in the area.  The name he mentioned sounded Catholic.  His “religious box” was checked, but I didn’t get to the point before he left.  I hope and pray that I wasn’t his last chance before he faces eternity.  I can only hope GOD was doing more in that conversation than I could see.  I hope he gets another chance to hear the Good News!

     Why is it so hard to be a witness, when “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV)?  GOD loved us enough to give so much, why is it so hard to tell people about that love?  I hope I can do my part when GOD gives me another chance.

Wayne Lance (2017)