I was surprised at the number of responses I’ve been getting to my “Good News to Share” stories and not in a good way. When I “Boosted” my stories, I sent them to the same locations, for the same number of days and spent the same amount of money, but the number of “Likes” went down by 90% or more!
I checked to see if I had missed something or made a mistake, and then I saw it! A targeting filter had been inserted, “People Who Match People who liked Good News to Share, Friends of connections: Friends of people who are connected to Good News to Share” and it stopped my stories from reaching a wider audience! You might reason it’s just good marketing, because it “targets” people of like interests. Yes I want to share my stories with fellow believers so they can be challenged, reminded, touched, inspired, revived or to allow the HOLY SPIRIT to minister to them, but that’s not all.
I want my stories to reach the lost! JESUS said “They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick” (Mat 9:12). My page is meant to encourage people to share the Good News through my stories, but very few actually do so. That means I need to send my stories directly to people who have wandered away from GOD or never knew Him. I purposely add interesting titles and information to catch the attention of readers and use testimonies, analogies, comparisons, contrasts or examples to present a spiritual lesson.
I firmly believe these stories are given to me from GOD to share and I am trying to be obedient to my calling. Facebook keeps adding restrictions, filters and limitations that make it harder for me to reach a wider audience. Even when I pay for their services, they won’t distribute some of my stories. Their censorship, combined with limits on distribution severely impacts who I can reach. The irony is, if people who read my stories would share them, my “audience” would grow exponentially and I could reach most of the “connected” world.
If sharing my “Good News” stories works like that on social media, imagine what would happen if Christians personally shared their “Good News” stories? The world would soon be reached by the Gospel and many would respond to the personal witness, along with the pulling of the HOLY SPIRIT and be saved. So why isn’t that happening?
People are afraid of rejection and as they say “you don’t discuss politics or religion in polite company.” Even more intimidating, it’s illegal to try to convert people from their religion in some countries. In other places you can be killed for witnessing, because religion has stirred up anger and hatred. In addition, religious leaders want to hang on to their power in the community and will do anything to keep things as they are. It doesn’t take a theological scholar to see “the thief” who comes to “steal, kill and destroy” (John 10:10) knows his business.
They had the same problems when JESUS said “Feed my sheep” (John 21:17 KJV) and told us to go into the world and preach the Gospel (Mat 28:19). So why aren’t you sharing the “Good News” with the lost and dying world? That’s why so many are on their way to hell.
Wayne Lance (2021)