Carl Lance

The obituary

I glanced over the obituary column for an online newspaper to see if anyone I knew had passed away. It isn’t likely I would personally know them, with such a small space allotted to deaths. I noticed they labeled it “Notable Deaths.” Do they not consider the other 150,000 people who died that day notable? […]

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Most Relevant

I have a Facebook page, called “Good News to Share” where I post my stories. That page makes it easy for people to find my stories. I can also comment using my own account name and include a link to my page, but that is less effective. Facebook will only send my posts to a

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The Same GOD

We were having a discussion with Pastor Randall, and he compared King Saul and David and how neither were perfect, but GOD called King David “a man after mine own heart” (Act 13:22 KJV). How could that be after he committed adultery and murdered to cover it up? He messed up again and again much

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She’s Back

My wife has been gone for five days and I missed her. Yes, it was quiet at home, and I got to do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I wasn’t asked to change the television channel, fix her something to eat or do anything. I was alone. I ate leftovers from the fridge and

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