Carl Lance

A Witness

     If you try to tell a non-Christian about JESUS, they will tell you “I don’t believe.”  Too often that brings the conversation to an abrupt halt.   Unlike other subjects, people expect you to “respect” their non-belief and stop trying.  If the stakes weren’t a matter of eternal life and death, I might agree.  Would […]

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Born Again?

     Our Pastor is kind of peculiar.  He is very active and engaged for an 88-year-old.  Given the opportunity, he will ask if you have been born again.  He may be dressed in suit or work clothes, but you can see him praying for his food in the restaurant or praying for the sick in

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Falling Apart?

Watching the headlines across the country and around the world makes you wonder how bad it can get. Our economy is faltering, inflation is soaring, our border is being overrun and violent crime is rising. All of this is happening while innocent people in Ukraine are slaughtered, and Putin threatens nuclear war if we get

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Doing Just Fine

     When the Air Force sent me to Saudi Arabia for six months I missed my family, my privacy, and having some control over my life.  I felt lonely and unhappy.  I saw it as something I just had to get through.  The only thing I looked forward to was leaving when my tour was

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