Carl Lance

Don’t Forget My Name

     Last night I stopped watching a Korean drama series and my wife asked why I didn’t watch another episode.  I told her I needed time for my devotional.  I thought about saying “so GOD won’t forget my name” but that was so far from reality I didn’t want to joke about it.  Others might […]

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Hate and Love

     Once again, the news is filled with unbelievable details of a terrorist attack in New York City.  A lone terrorist killed 8 people and injured many more when he drove a rented truck down a bike path, only stopping when he collided with a bus carrying handicapped children.  Leaving his disabled vehicle, he fled

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Life Insurance

     I recently changed my life insurance policy after getting a timely offer from an insurance salesman.  My 60th Birthday was approaching, and the cost of my life insurance was going to increase dramatically.  The salesman offered to extend my policy for a longer term and at a lower price if I was healthy enough. 

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The Same message

     Pastor Kola Emiola just held a series of teachings at our Church.  He is from Nigeria and told us how he battles demons back home.   I have heard of demonic activity in Africa but didn’t know it was so evident.  He told of pregnancies being “locked up” by witches, so women wouldn’t deliver their

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They Missed Out!

It was just another Friday Fellowship at Heritage Christian Ministries, much like the many other Friday night services our Church held since they began. We have something for everyone like playtime which includes basketball, volleyball or just hanging out; ministry time, and then a potluck food and fellowship that runs as late as people want

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