Carl Lance

They Missed Out!

It was just another Friday Fellowship at Heritage Christian Ministries, much like the many other Friday night services our Church held since they began. We have something for everyone like playtime which includes basketball, volleyball or just hanging out; ministry time, and then a potluck food and fellowship that runs as late as people want […]

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Taking Sides

Taking Sides –      Our country is divided on just about everything these days.  No matter the issue, people take one side and attack the other.  Maybe it seems worse because of our around-the-clock news cycle and social media?  Everyone has a strong opinion and, right or wrong, want to share it.  A vigorous debate

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A Family Thing

My Saturday morning began as usual, with me sharing some Good News through my stories on Facebook. I also watch over Susan’s page, since she rarely looks at it these days. Her page is our primary link to many of our friends and family scattered around the world. I let Susan know she had a

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Now What?

The world is full of tales of human suffering and misery caused by a lack of opportunity. Some seek the opportunity education might bring or they just want to find a job and make a living. In many cases it looks like money could bring opportunity if there was enough. In some places they want

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