Carl Lance

Why live There?

     As I heard of another earthquake in Alaska, it made me wonder why people want to live there.  A major earthquake caused millions in damage and killed hundreds of people in 1964 and they have brutally cold winters.  Surely people could move to a place that doesn’t have the earthquake threat and a milder […]

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Torn Jeans

     When I walked into Church (2016) I immediately noticed a big hole in the jeans of one of our worship leaders.  My first reaction was pity, but I quickly realized it was meant to be a fashion statement.   The young lady didn’t have to wear torn jeans.  She probably went to a lot of

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Planting Shrubs

Planting Shrubs –      I just finished planting shrubs in the front yard of our house.  That was the end of a long process that began months ago.  We had to remove a tree that had grown up too close to the house.  When I told my wife she told me to remove the overgrown

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Friends in High Places

     Last night I was going through “Our Prayer” and was struck by the greeting, “Dear LORD our Heavenly Father.”  We are so close that we can address GOD in such a personal term!  Yes, that was part of a written prayer, but I can call on Him whenever I want.  In fact, he wants

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Two Endings

     My wife and I finished watching the last episode of a British television drama.  I didn’t particularly like the series but watching it gave us something to do together.  After several episodes I became familiar with the storyline and looked forward to seeing what would happen next.  I also got to know the main

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