Carl Lance

I’m Doing Fine

     A common question for someone to ask is, “How are you doing?”  They don’t really want a detailed status report of your life.  They are being polite and expect you to reply, “I’m doing fine.”   If a close friend or family member asks, and they know you are going through a problem, they may […]

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Wrong Way

     Driving from my home to La Vernia, there is an exit to get off Loop 1604 and onto Highway 87.  It is a sweeping turn, with a Stop sign at the end.  That is when you have to make a choice.       Highway 87 has four lanes and divided at that point, with two

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     Susan went with her sister to Church last Sunday morning, so I was on my own.  I knew I had to stop by the ATM machine on the way to our Church and I was running behind.  Maybe that is why I forgot to bring my umbrella?  Thunderstorms were in the forecast, and I

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More Than Numbers

     As I sat in Church one night, I thought of the number of people I reached earlier that day with a few mouse clicks on my computer.   The number of people attending our service that night couldn’t compare.       I have been writing “stories” for a few years and sending them out on my

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The Disaster Plan

     My wife gets upset with me for speaking “doom and gloom” but for 40 years disaster planning was an important part of my job.  First in the military and later with the State Department, I had to figure out what bad things could happen, try to avoid them and plan to respond if

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