Carl Lance

The Warning

     I have worked overseas for the past 14 years and lived in six different countries. Dealt with six different languages and adapted to the local way of life in each place.  Everything from driving and shopping, to eating out and staying out of trouble were new experiences in each place.  The State Department is […]

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A Clean Heart

This subject has been showing up a lot lately. It’s an obvious goal, so why do we blow it? Does the flood of images we see on television and the internet make an unclean heart seem normal? Maybe it’s the popular “Have-it-your-way” messages we get at Church that puts the stamp of approval on our

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Darkness and Light

     There is a hallway in our apartment that leads from the living room to the bedrooms.  At the far end of the hallway one door leads to a spare bedroom where Susan hangs my clothes.  The curtains in that room are always closed, so we can’t see anything, until we turn on the

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     When I married Susan I became part of her family, with all of the benefits and obligations that go with it.  I was surprised at how my new Filipino family changed my life.  Having sisters-in-law was a tremendous change, having grown up with three brothers.  Susan is the eldest of five children, plus her

Kuya Read More »