Carl Lance


     We humans don’t do “unlimited” very well.  We use the word a lot, but don’t really understand it.  We need our limits because of our limited minds and our own mortality.  We just can’t wrap our brains around words like never-ending, forever and eternity.       One example is outer space.  It just boggles our […]

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Vain Words

     Unbelievable details of the tragic shooting in California were still coming out, when front page headlines proclaimed, “GOD Isn’t Fixing This.” The author even criticized people for praying about the situation.  I understand these were misguided attempts to promote more stringent gun controls, but their vain words showed a disregard for the power of GOD. 

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Fear Not

     The United States Department of State just issued a worldwide travel alert due to “increased terrorist threats.” These threats are given more credibility after the tragic Paris attacks and the Russian passenger jet bombing. The threat in Brussels is “serious and imminent” and shut down the capital of the European Union.      The threats

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Perfect Vision 20/20

The New Year brings predictions for the future and mixed emotions about the past. If previous predictions are any indication, most will miss the mark. Wouldn’t it be great to know the future, so you can act on that knowledge? That would give you an advantage over uncertain predictions. If you knew the future, you

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