Carl Lance

Happy New Year?

     A new year is upon us.  News stories and the internet are filled with memorable events from the past year and hopes for the new one.  People announce their New Year’s resolutions, even as they admit they failed to keep last year’s.  Though it is just a date on the calendar, people see it […]

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Falling Apart

     I just finished a week filled with celebrations and blessings.  I was busy at work, but even with a couple high-level visitors in town, it was a good week.  The pollution has been bad in China because the government won’t turn on the central heating systems until the end of the month, so people

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It Isn’t Really Free

     The advertisement says “Buy one and get one free.”  What a deal!  You pay for the first, but that second one is free!  How could it be?  Can anything these days really be free?  Actually it isn’t really free.  It is an advertising gimmick to get you to pay the full price for the

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Accept Your Gifts

That was easy for my grandson! Grandma bought him a laser tag set and he immediately opened the package. He recruited his sisters, who had their own presents, to play with him and his gift. At 13 years old, he received mostly “teenager gifts,” but the kid in him still wants to play. Grandma’s gift

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This is the time of year when people think of giving and receiving gifts. I don’t want anything, because I am so blessed and have what I really want. I appreciate more the love behind a gift, than the gift itself. My daughter asked what I wanted for Christmas and I give her a few

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