Carl Lance

Where Was GOD?

     Last Sunday (2017), a heavily armed man walked into a small church service in Sutherland Springs, Texas and began shooting people.  Not even sparing the children, he only paused long enough to reload his weapon.  He left 26 people dead or dying and many others wounded.  Where was GOD when so many innocents lost

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Winners and Losers

It’s a big day full of jubilation for the winners and mourning for the losers. Both were sure they had picked the winning side, but both couldn’t be right. There were just too many differences between the sides and there could be no compromise! What is the difference? JESUS said, “He that overcometh, the same

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I Am Not Enough

I grew up in an unstable family environment. My early days were marked by frequent moves because of my mother’s illness and my dad frequently changing jobs. The constant moving meant I didn’t make long-term friends; we didn’t feel like part of a community; and never had a place to call home. Later when my

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On Sunday morning I saw a news story about Yazidi women who were kidnapped by ISIS militants. These Christian women were made slaves after their men were executed. Their only hope of release is to be bought by other family members who escaped and now live in refugee camps. The tragic story was on my

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