Carl Lance

Very Important People

     This week the news was filled with stories of the important people who are visiting the capital of the most powerful country in the world.  Millions have been spent on security and every move has been planned to make sure the visits are successful.  When people are greeted with this much fanfare by the […]

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A Real Life

     I was working on one of my stories when I heard Cindy Morgan singing about a “real life” and it reminded me of one of my managers at work who mentioned that she goes to bed early “maybe because I don’t have a life.”  I’m sure that healthy, attractive and successful lady does have

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By Another Name

     Back in the 80s an American car company came out with a modestly priced car that was supposed to compete with the quality of foreign models.  Unfortunately it suffered from the same quality problems the company’s cars were well-known for.  In an attempt to pass off that same “cheap” car as something better, they

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     Friday was a day of conflicting priorities.  I was attempting to fill the big gap left when my supervisor left for a well-deserved vacation.  I had to manage a large and diverse workforce to support communications for one of our most challenging diplomatic missions.  When I arrived at work, I discovered two of my

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What is Important

     A few weeks ago a chemical explosion in the port city of Tianjin, China killed more than a hundred people and destroyed over a billion dollars in property.  It cost millions more in lost business and the long-term damage to the local population may never be known.  To the people who were directly affected

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