Carl Lance

Doing Just Fine

     When the Air Force sent me to Saudi Arabia for six months I missed my family, my privacy, and having some control over my life.  I felt lonely and unhappy.  I saw it as something I just had to get through.  The only thing I looked forward to was leaving when my tour was […]

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Let’s Do It!

I was attending the Family Friday service at Heritage Christian Church, where our Pastor was teaching us to pray for each other and let the Holy SPIRIT lead us. People are usually shy about praying for people, so Pastor Bob assigned us someone to pray for. I wondered who he would select for me. I

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They Forgot

     This is the anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attack in the US.  It was all over the internet, in the news and our Pastor mentioned it in Church.  Though I am thankful for the memorial services and efforts to bring it to our attention, it has been forgotten by most Americans.      They

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Too Late!

It was a sight I never wanted to see, though I knew it would happen someday. It was one of those “when not if” disasters that you hope to be excused from. This morning my computer worked just fine, but I logged off to be safe, before I left the house. When I returned and

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Who is Saved?

I posted one of my stories on Facebook about how we should tell people about JESUS and I was harshly attacked by a lady who took offence that I said “he said he attended a Church that sounded Catholic, so his religious box is checked.” She said I was ignorant and cruel for saying Catholics

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