Carl Lance

Positives and Negatives

This past year has been full of positives and negatives. We started out with a booming economy, which gave us a positive outlook for the future. Our hopes were dashed when the pandemic hit and people started dying. Our outlook turned to negative when we were told to stay home and everything, with few exceptions, […]

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Humble Beginnings

Born into a humble family, in a poor country, where money and power rule, with a father who drank too much and a mother who never had a job, what were Susan’s chances? Unable to care for her, her parents relied on extended family to feed and clothe her. They sent her to school, but

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No Power!

I woke one morning to complete darkness. Yes, the moon light shining through our bedroom window helped, but only a little. Maybe my wife had turned off the stairwell light we normally leave on, or the bulb had burned out? I made my way to the nearest light switch, only to discover we had no

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Good News to Share !

Ever since I was a child in Sunday School I’ve heard we need to tell the world about JESUS. As I got older and my burden for souls grew stronger, I tried to introduce JESUS into conversations but it always seemed awkward and never enough. After my mother and a friend passed away within a

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