Carl Lance

Good News to Share !

Ever since I was a child in Sunday School I’ve heard we need to tell the world about JESUS. As I got older and my burden for souls grew stronger, I tried to introduce JESUS into conversations but it always seemed awkward and never enough. After my mother and a friend passed away within a […]

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I’m Offended!

It seems like everybody these days is offended about something. It’s spreading across the country and no one is exempt from being targeted. Even our founding fathers are under attack, but it isn’t limited to them. Discovering our nation, economic development and prosperity all seem to be objects of their wrath. It doesn’t help that

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As I write this story there’s a hunt going on and the hunters have been extremely successful in bagging their prey. The season has just begun and with their appetite for blood the only limit, the hunt will continue for some time. They’ve been waiting for twenty years and won’t stop until they kill every

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Here I am starting out the week under a cloud of uncertainty. Last Friday I was tested for the Wuhan virus and I am waiting to get the results back. I have self-quarantined ever since I was told someone I had been around had the virus. I have no symptoms and feel fine, but my

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Make Your Choice!

You’ve heard from both sides and have begun to tune it all out. It seems like the campaign dragged on forever. Both sides promised so much, but will they be able to deliver? Their visions for the future are so different, but we can only see the results if you choose them. At this point

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