Carl Lance

Not Ours to Throw Away

With all the media attention on the late Robin Williams, you would think he was a world leader or had accomplished some great deed. An actor who played many beloved characters on television and in movies, he was also a comedian that made people laugh. He was successful in many ways, but in real life […]

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Hero is a word we hear a lot these days. It’s a headline grabbing title that is used to push the deeds of ordinary people into the spotlight. If you envision great deeds performed by extraordinary people, you will be disappointed soon after you get past the headlines. They act (or react) at the right

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Captives and captors

Seeing a picture of a young girl in tears, standing beside a radical Muslim fighter, I prayed for her courage and protection. The headline told of Christian children being beheaded. I don’t know what happened to that child, but I know she was in a better position than her captor. The captor seemed to be

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Pastor Bob

Do you appreciate your Pastor? Have you told him, better yet, have you shown him? If you have a Pastor like ours, you have a treasure beyond compare. Counselor, teacher, preacher, prayer warrior, Bible scholar, willing vessel for GOD’s will, and the HOLY SPIRIT anointing…and the list goes on. In our small Church, Pastor Bob

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Under Attack

I was shocked when I first realized we were under attack! Why hadn’t I heard before? Why has no one sounded the alarm? This is an emergency. We need to act! I can’t understand how we can lose so many people and yet there is no public outcry! History tells us we should defend ourselves

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