Carl Lance

Accept No Sustitute!

After 20+ years in the military, I know how to stretch our limited personal budget. One of best ways is to buy generic substitutes! Generics can be half the price of name brand and are as good, or at least good enough. They have the same ingredients, so I don’t bother looking further. My mother-in-law […]

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A Rainy Sunday Morning

We’ve been praying for rain and now it’s here. Not light showers, but downpours like we need so our crops, fields and yards can handle the summer heat. That’s why you won’t find many people complaining about this rainy Sunday morning. Sadly, this answer to our prayers kept some people from coming to Church. A

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First Things First!

We were driving home one evening and I heard a song on the radio “First Thing First.” It caught my attention because it confirmed the name and subject matter of this story. I had another one in mind, but the LORD gave me this one. Why that title when it’s so obvious and it shouldn’t

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Overcoming Events

King Herod heard wisemen had entered his Kingdom and he asked why they had come. When they told him they were following a star that would lead them to a King born in Bethlehem. King Herod killed all the babies in Bethlehem so his position would be safe. GOD overcame events by warning the baby

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While talking with a friend who is recovering from a stroke, he was telling me how he is being cared for by his wife. I could tell he was frustrated at having to rely on someone else for what he once was able to do for himself. He must ask for what he needs and

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