Carl Lance

Going Down With The Ship

I remember watching an old black and white movie of the Titanic sinking and the remaining men calmly singing “Nearer My God to Thee” as the ship sank and lifeboats pulled away taking others to safety. It was surreal because minutes later they would be drowning in the freezing cold water. If it wasn’t an […]

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Surround Yourself…

I recently saw a friend’s post that advised, “Surround yourself with people who believe in your dreams, encourage your ideas, support your ambitions, and bring out the best in you.” I understood my friend had good intentions, but this is wrong. Yes, surrounding yourself with supportive people is better than those who discourage you but

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Think On These Things

It’s dangerous to let your mind wander, especially if you spend much time on the internet like I do. With “Fact Checkers” and “woke” censorship you might think the bad stuff has been weeded out, but you would be sadly mistaken. It seems we are only protected from Christian material, conservative views, and climate change

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He Calls His Shots

When playing the game of pool (billiards) the object of the game is to cause the intended balls to fall into the pockets on the pool table. If a player is good, they call their shots by stating which ball will fall into which pocket before they take the shot. If the shot doesn’t go

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It doesn’t exist

After weeks of planning, making reservations and growing anticipation, we woke up early to get everyone to the airport before I headed off to Church. Susan decided to eat at the airport because that’s part of the fun of traveling. We double-checked that she had everything, and I loaded her luggage into the car. We

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