Carl Lance

It doesn’t exist

After weeks of planning, making reservations and growing anticipation, we woke up early to get everyone to the airport before I headed off to Church. Susan decided to eat at the airport because that’s part of the fun of traveling. We double-checked that she had everything, and I loaded her luggage into the car. We […]

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Why Does GOD…

A former co-worker posed a question, “Why does GOD let children starve?” He wasn’t looking for an answer but was questioning GOD’s existence. I chose not to play his game, but the answer is clear. GOD doesn’t let children starve; we do! GOD did His part when He made a way so we could turn

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The Great Trip

It was the perfect trip and a chance to get away from our routine. Three weeks, 4000+ miles, 11 hotels and leisurely drives between each stop along the way. Our destinations are Boston, Massachusetts and Kennebunkport, Maine, and Amish Country on the way back but it’s the time with each other and away from distractions

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News And Improved?

I recently went to the hospital Emergency Room when I was experiencing chills and fever along with muscle and body aches which sounded like COVID. My expired home test said I was OK, but I didn’t want to harm others. As soon as I arrived, they began running tests. Hours later, the Doctors told me

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