Carl Lance

Two Choices

I’ve attended Church ever since I can remember. Sometimes it was with my parents or grandmother and other times my brothers and I went by ourselves. There were times when I was made to go but later when I began to have choices, I decided I wanted to. I remember I liked Sunday school where […]

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Choices and Chances

A troubled young man tried to assassinate Donald Trump last weekend and was killed in the failed attempt. It’s said he was bullied in school and rejected by the gun club because of his poor shooting skills. His motives aren’t clear yet, but he may have thought this was his chance to be somebody in

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Dead End

We used to live on a street that led to a dead end. Our house was the last one and anyone driving by our place was usually looking for a way out of our subdivision. The town was in that direction, but you couldn’t go that way. People would smile and wave as they drove

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Just Watching

My wife has been watching You Tube Videos of an Azerbaijani lady cooking. They display the names of the food in subtitles, but you can’t learn recipes or cooking techniques by just watching. The older couple are obviously skilled, and the setting is an idyllic farm, and they pick fresh fruit, berries and vegetables and

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