Carl Lance

Whosoever Believeth

“We are each free to believe what we want and it’s my view that the simplest explanation is there is no God” (Stephen Hawking, 1942 – 2018). He was supposed to know what he was talking about and repeated his disbelief in a book compiled before his death that was entitled “Brief Answers to Big […]

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Disabled Veterans

Recently I’ve learned a lot more of what it means to be a Disabled Veteran. I have always respected their sacrifice, but I didn’t personally know one. It’s different when you hear of the daily struggles these wounded warriors endure. Some were wounded again when they returned home and weren’t provided the help they needed.

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Red Sports Coats

When I became an Usher at our Church, I was given a red sports coat to wear while I was serving, it was like a uniform. With ushers of all sizes and shapes, both men and women, wearing different clothes, it made us look the same in that one way. The color of the sports

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A Clean Heart

This subject has been showing up a lot lately. It’s an obvious goal, so why do we blow it? Does the flood of images we see on television and the internet make an unclean heart seem normal? Maybe it’s the popular “Have-it-your-way” messages we get at Church that puts the stamp of approval on our

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