I have seen a lot of prayers and scriptures on Facebook since the Wuhan virus changed the world as we know it. I like that reaction and hope it lasts longer than the crisis. I remember a similar reaction after 9/11, but it quickly faded and people went back to “their corner” to do battle. Are they preparing to fight the enemy? No, they were fighting all those who don’t believe (or disbelieve) like they do.
Recently one of my Facebook “Friends” was struggling and seemed to be reaching out for answers. I told him “JESUS is where it’s at” and he replied “Thanks, but I have outgrown that t-shirt.” I replied, “JESUS is still waiting for you to come back” and left it at that. A few days later, one of his friends viciously attacked my suggestions and ran down a list of what he saw as GOD’s failures. The man didn’t offer anything to help his struggling friend, but wanted to make sure he didn’t accept JESUS as a solution. That was just before the Wuhan virus hit our country, which surely added to my “Friend’s” burdens. I believe I planted a seed and it’s up to him to believe it or not.
The world will always find something to fight about, but the battle has always been between Satan who “cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy” and GOD who “come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10). Everything else will pass away after this brief life is over. Those who accept JESUS as their Savior will have eternal life in Heaven and those who did not, will spend an eternity in Hell. That will happen whether you believe it or not.
The thief’s main objective is to keep us from being saved. He uses religion and our own pride and anger to divide us. He likes working through religious people, because it spreads likes a virus as they try to win others to their side. If you are satisfied with religion and don’t search the Bible to know GOD’s will, you are doomed. Believe it or not, Satan doesn’t mind religion, as long as you don’t learn the truth and accept JESUS as your SAVIOR.
Once you are saved, you must study GOD’s word, so you will have faith to withstand the attacks of the enemy. You need the power of the HOLY SPIRIT, to walk in victory “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Eph 6:12 KJV). It’s a spiritual battle and Satan wants you weak, so he can destroy your loved ones. If you don’t believe in miracle healing, you can’t pray for the sick. If you are not walking in victory, the lost won’t want what you have. Believe it or not, your witness may mean the difference between your loved ones going to Heaven or Hell. Don’t wait until things get better, “now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Cor 6:2 KJV). Tomorrow will be too late for another 150,000 people to accept JESUS. They need to accept JESUS today!
Wayne Lance (2020)