Believe, Receive, and Act!

My heart breaks as I watch Afghanistan fall back into the clutches of the Taliban. The desperation on the faces of those trying to leave, tell how bad it will get. I have strong feelings about how we (US) left, but that doesn’t compare to the missed opportunity. For twenty years, at great cost, we held evil at bay and that was good, but we also gave the Afghan people a chance. They had a chance to stabilize their country and defend what they hold dear, but they didn’t.

Sadly, too many saw it as an opportunity to strengthen their faction, increase their wealth and power, or promote their own radical agenda. We trained and equipped a powerful army, who could have defeated the Taliban, but time and again when the going got tough they threw down their weapons and ran. We had to rescue their mighty army and drive back the enemy, who wanted to kill them, steal their future and destroy their country. Sadly that scene repeated as we made a sudden exit from their country. The Afghan army of 300,000 collapsed and left their equipment and weapons for their enemy to use against them and their families.

We will be blamed for mishandling our exit, and rightly so. The underlying problems we could never fix were the Afghan people didn’t believe they needed sacrifice for their country, they didn’t receive the lessons we tried to teach, and they didn’t act to convince others and make it work. We couldn’t make them patriotic or wise and only they could have made it work. Now they will have to bear the consequences of their choices.

Our own country learned the lessons we tried to teach the Afghans and reaped the benefits for many years. But somewhere along the way we started taking our blessings for granted. Righteousness became offensive, freedom wasn’t important and our foundational truths were questioned. We are seeing the consequences of this degeneration and our enemies are ready to take advantage of our weakened state. I hope we can turn things around before it’s too late.

Another war is going on and we are losing that one. After years of struggle and sacrifice, our world is falling into the hands of the enemy! Tragically, it doesn’t have to happen! The plan is flawless, we have the power to win, and our Commander paid the price for our victory! Many have won their individual battle, but most will needlessly die in defeat. We held back the forces of evil for a time, but the enemy has infiltrated our ranks and is destroying us from within. Too many have traded their chance of victory, for temporary power and comfort. I hope we can turn this around before the enemy completely takes over!

What is this war we are losing? For the hearts and souls of men, “for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat… and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it” (Mat 7:13-14 KJV). You mean religion? No, that failed! I’m talking about a relationship with the GOD who “so loved the world he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). If GOD “so loves the world” why are we losing? Each person must believe in JESUS, change direction and receive Him as their LORD and Savior. Then we must share the Good News so others can join us in victory!

Wayne Lance