Thankful, For What?

Over the past year I noticed an increase in the number of posts asking for help and even a few more posts giving thanks to GOD for blessings they have received. Considering what we are going through, I wasn’t surprised. People have often turned to GOD in times of trouble, and we are in trouble. […]

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No Thanks?

     During this Thanksgiving season, there seems to be very little “thanksgiving” even though we have so much to be thankful for.  Yes, a lot of bad things are going on in the world and it doesn’t seem to be getting better, but can’t we find something to be thankful for?  Three college basketball players

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No Time To Waste

As I get older, I realize I am closer to the end of my life than the beginning. Actually, I am much closer. As a male in the US, my life expectancy is 76 and I am 57 years old. That means I have already lived more than 3/4ths of my expected life span. I

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The Fallen

I’ve been watching as leaves accumulate in my yard. At first there were just a few, but as it’s gotten colder there are many more. The wind picked up recently and now my yard is covered with a thick, brown layer that will damage my lawn, if left there. Those leaves were a welcome sight

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