Not turning Back

I’ve seen more anti-religious comments on Facebook lately. There have always been posts with differing opinions or that exposed moral failures, but these are different. They blatantly tell people to “Stop spreading primitive beliefs.” Some go further and suggest they use “science and reasoning” instead. They offer no evidence to support their suggestions and so […]

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The Warrior

Most people have an image in their mind of what a warrior is. We read about them in history books, see them in movies, and in the news. I met one 35 years ago. He didn’t wield a sword or carry a gun, but was part of the battle, nonetheless. He loaded weapons on fighter

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Real vs. Fake

Soon after moving to Beijing, our friends took us to a wildly popular “discount” market. They have all the name brand products at a fraction of the regular price. Busloads of bargain hunters come to partake in these unbelievable deals. The salesladies speak several languages and will give you their full attention. They call you

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The Great Wall

Soon after we arrived in Beijing, our friends took us to see the famous Great Wall of China. The Great Wall is an impressive structure, not that it is so tall, but that it is built along the top of mountain ridges and is 5000 miles long. Built by manual labor, it was a monumental

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Limited View

Last week the pollution was bad in Beijing. It climbed to over 400 AQI, and it looked like a thick fog had settled over the city. From our apartment I could only see a few buildings, with nothing in sight beyond that. If I hadn’t known better, I would have thought that was all there

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