Planting Grass

We call South Texas home and for many years we owned a house near La Vernia. Our suburban home was located on 1.79 rough acres. The weather in that area is hot and dry and trying to make a nice yard presented several challenges. Our yard had cactus, briers, gopher mounds and an occasional snake […]

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Choose Wisely

It’s hard to believe that people are having trouble making such an obvious choice! With the differences being so plain to see, why is it so difficult to choose? So much is at stake and yet we get to decide what our future will look like. It’s mind boggling after all that has been said

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Walking Through The Valley

While assigned in Vienna, Austria (2008) we enjoyed the beautiful city, attended a great Church and we found new friends. I enjoyed my job and having just been promoted, I enjoyed a measure of success. I suffered from allergies, so the Medical Unit prescribed a well-known allergy medicine. I just had to wait for it

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My Feet were Dry

I watched with interest from China as a typhoon passed through the Philippines. Seeing people wading through flooded streets on the news, my feet were dry, and I complained about interrupted programming from our Philippine-based television channels. Seeing news accounts of Christians being persecuted and dying for their faith in Iraq, I was annoyed when

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My Prayer

My prayer was put together while on my way to work in Vienna. I knew I needed to pray and while walking and while riding the bus or subway I came up with this prayer. Parts of it come from the Bible, from preaching and teaching I’ve heard over the years, and from other prayers.

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