Someone Special!

It was Sophia’s Birthday, and we wanted to wish her a Happy Birthday and let her know how much we love her even though we lived in Beijing, and she was in Texas. That was her special day, and she deserved a little extra attention. It took a bit of doing with the time difference, […]

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In A Relationship

I have noticed more people on Facebook identify their relationship status as “In a relationship.” What does that mean? I don’t really like that vague, uncommitted description. I am “in a relationship” with everyone I come in contact with. The mailman delivers my letters and packages, our Pastor is someone I admire and respect, and

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As we were driving the 30 miles to Church last Sunday morning, it was a beautiful day. The skies were clear, and it was already hot, but the air conditioner took care of that. The radio was tuned to our favorite Christian station. Susan dozed beside me as her sisters chatted in the back seat.

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