Every Breath

I woke up one night and felt like I wasn’t getting enough air in my lungs, so I sat up and resisted the urge to panic, while taking deep breaths. I turned off my sleep apnea implant device which recently started making me feel like I was choking and hoped my breathing problem would pass, […]

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On You Own

Do you prefer to follow the crowd or be on your own? The popular opinion is to follow the crowd, so you can fit in. That is why people follow trends and look for what other people’s opinions are before sharing their own. The crowd fears someone who is on their own because they can’t

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According To Plan

As I drove through a subdivision, I could tell the houses were built according to plan. They weren’t exactly alike but were of similar quality. They were brick or stone, some had two stories, while others only had one. Some homes were painted white and others brighter or darker colors, but you could tell the

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Lately I haven’t been as diligent about getting my Good News to Share stories out on time. I normally get up at 5 a.m. to make sure I share my stories by 7 a.m. so I can reach people in the US when they first check social media and, in the Philippines, before they sleep.

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The End Of Time…

I grew up in Church and remember people talking about when the end of time would come but JESUS said, “Heaven and earth shall pass away…But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only” (Mat 24:35-36 KJV). I’m not sure why they were trying to

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