They Forgot

     This is the anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attack in the US and it is all over the internet.  Though I am thankful for the memorial services and efforts to bring it to our attention, it has been forgotten by most Americans.      They forgot their feelings as they watched planes filled with […]

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My Calendar

I don’t remember when I first realized how great a calendar was. I mean one of those good ones that had a new picture each month and Holidays in red, which meant I got off from school. It had interesting stuff, like the day something big happened or a famous person was born. I watched

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A Tough Message

I took my grandson to watch a movie. A few years ago, I wouldn’t have taken him to see that movie because the message was too tough. He’s a young man now and I believe he can handle the difficult subject and needs to know what the world is like so he can be on

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After working for 16 years with the State Department, I have a basic understanding of why we need and follow diplomatic protocols. We need these rules so our Diplomats can live and work in countries with different intentions, rules, and laws than we in the United States have. In countries that oppose us, these protocols

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I love to read the stories about Caleb in the Bible because of his faith in GOD and the great things GOD did through him. He must have had great parents, who trained Him up in the way he should go (Prov 22:6) even though they lived in bondage. His faith set him apart from

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