Ask Believing

Our grandson just started attending a college located a few miles from our house. Two of his classes are in the afternoon and evening, with two more classes the following morning. He spends two nights a week at our house, so he doesn’t have to drive home at night, and back the next morning. It’s […]

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Wake Up!

It has been a long two weeks for me. My daughter, and her family went to Dublin, Ireland with my wife on vacation. After over 45 years of international travel, I don’t handle those trips like I used to, so I stayed home. As it turned out, I still experienced the stress of the trip

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Two Kingdoms

I like watching Korean historical dramas. I like the tales of human struggle, where most of the time good overcomes evil. Yes, they show people suffering and way too much death, but it’s a dramatization of what may have happened in the distant past. The real people of that time have long since died, so

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He Is GOD!

Just who does He think He is, GOD? “And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.

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The Debt

It has been the top news story for days because of the damage it can do to our country. The government recklessly overspent, reached the debt limit, and now needs to borrow more money to pay its bills. Tense negotiations are ongoing, and details are leaked to gain leverage and support. Those who understand the

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