On Sunday we enjoyed the 13th Anniversary celebration of the Beijing International Christian Fellowship, Filipino Congregation (FILCON). Filipinos really know how to throw a party and the small room was decorated with banners and balloons. Many members wore bright yellow t-shirts displaying the newly adopted logo.
Filipinos love to sing and we are blessed with more than our share of talent, so the praise and worship was beautiful and set the joyful tone of the service. An early leader recounted the history of the group and its humble beginnings. That has grown to a full-service ministry, lead by a cooperative group of lay-ministers that have other full-time jobs in Beijing.
The guest speaker was an American Missionary who had visited the Philippines with our FILCON ministry team. He praised the joy and kindness of the Filipinos he met both here in Beijing and in the Philippines, where they ministered to people still suffering from the effects of a super-typhoon. He continued with the celebration theme and reminded us the ultimate reason to celebrate is Jesus.
After the service was a sumptuous meal. No Filipino celebration would be complete without delicious food. In this expensive city, where it can be hard to get the right ingredients, there was a wonderful array of dishes that included lecheon (young pig), pancit (rice noodles) and delicious desserts. People sacrificially gave and the results were amazing.
We left as the games and prize give-a-ways began, to make room for new-arrivals. We try to avoid the spotlight, but we are treated like someone special when we are with these dear people and didn’t want to be a distraction. I’m sure the fun and cleanup ran well into the evening. It was great to see everyone enjoying God’s goodness and getting a little taste of home. Many contributed to the celebration, but it was the love and hard work of the leaders that made this celebration possible.
Like our guest speaker reminded us, Jesus is the reason for this joyful celebration. His ministry was sacrificial and we should joyfully praise Him. Hearts and lives have been touched through this small group that points men to Jesus and will have eternal results because, “GOD so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son” and “whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). We have good reasons to celebrate.
Wayne Lance (2015)