The freedom to choose your side used to be a deeply help belief in the United States. We fought wars to preserve that right. Our enemies wanted to take away our choice and that was unthinkable. One of our early patriots exclaimed “Give me liberty or give me death” when his death was a real possibility. If you are not free to choose sides, you aren’t free.
I’ve noticed an alarming trend over the last four years. People are trying to force us to choose their side. They increasingly use fear and intimidation to try and make us agree with them. Any hesitation or sign of disagreement results in a torrent of insults and even violence. Unwilling to listen to reason, truth is lost in the battle, along with our right to disagree. Their behavior should anger would-be followers and result in a harsh rebuke from their leaders, but instead their “leaders” convey approval by their silence.
This tactic has been used before, but really took off after the last Presidential election. The attacks increased as most of the media stopping looking for truth and chose a side. Attacks continued, even as the country was ravaged by the Wuhan virus, when we should have come together to save lives. When racial injustice protests turned into violent riots many chose to side against the Police. When threats and violence replaced discussion and reason, mobs took over the streets. Politicians chose sides and lined up to show support for the protestors and condemn those who disagreed. Those who failed to take their side were accused of being on the other side. Neutrality wasn’t tolerated, so in their minds you have to choose your side.
Actually there is a much more important issue in which you have or will choose a side. If you believe in JESUS and accept Him as your Lord and Savior, you have chosen GOD’s side and all the benefits that come with His side. The most important benefit is the precious blood of JESUS washing away your sins. There are many other benefits, but “everlasting life” tops them all!
But you say I didn’t choose a side and don’t want to. You want to remain neutral, or maybe you believe in another god or religion. Not believing in JESUS is a choice and you will suffer the consequences of that decision. You were born into sin and until you are “born again” by believing in JESUS as your Savior, you remain lost in your sin. JESUS said “Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3 KJV).
Why did GOD do that to me? Actually “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). GOD didn’t want you to die in your sins, so He made the supreme sacrifice. JESUS loves you so much that He died for the sins you committed, so you don’t have to. They made those choices, so you can choose their side and be with them forever! So go ahead and choose the side that was pierced for you!
Wayne Lance (2020)