My grandson spent the weekend with us so we could take him to buy Christmas gifts for his sisters and parents. Grandma is a world class shopper, so I thought she would help Peanut with his shopping. I was surprised when she went off to look for jeans and told me to help him out. I wasn’t too sure about this idea, because he is known to be tight with his money. He soon found his youngest sister a gift that fit his budget. Peanut and his other sister are rather competitive and he needed a gentle reminder that Christmas is no time to be mean. I suggested a gift she might like and Peanut agreed. He was more enthusiastic about buying something for his parents, and easily found them something nice. He didn’t spend all of his money, but I thought he was quite generous.
As for my two granddaughters (8 and 9), they have a hard time saving their money and they don’t earn extra money like their brother. That means the gifts they give won’t be nearly as expensive and probably came from the Dollar Store. They are just as generous, but their budgets are much smaller than their brother’s.
Grandma is really enjoying buying Christmas presents this year. In previous years when we lived overseas, we would send money and let my daughter buy gifts for the kids. This year Grandma started early and picked out gifts she thinks they will like. She may not get exactly what they wanted, but really wants to make them happy. Her budget has limits, but she loves them enough to sacrifice in other areas to buy nice gifts for them.
Fortunately, GOD’s budget has no limits. He “is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think” (Eph 3:20 KJV) and that is more than enough. There is also no limit to His love. “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). How could GOD love us that much? “He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things” (Rom 8:32 KJV). GOD’s budget and love have no limits, but His offer of forgiveness is limited to the living. If you die without accepting JESUS, you missed out on the greatest gifts from the greatest giver. Why not accept His gift of eternal life and overcoming power right now?
Wayne Lance (2017)