
This morning I was enjoying a music video by a gifted Christian singer. She put her heart into praising and glorifying Jesus. Her words, the music and her emotions helped me to also express my love and appreciation in my own spirit for GOD who is exceeding abundantly above all I could ask or think.

Then I looked up at the television, I saw a shocking news story about “Baby Doe,” a name the Police use when they can’t identify a child. A precious little girl died and was “thrown away like trash.” To help in their investigation, the authorities created a likeness of what this beautiful child must have looked like from studying her remains. I went from basking in awe and wonder at GOD’s goodness to wondering how someone could treat a child like that.

Another news story told of a doctor who diagnosed and treated 500 people for cancer they didn’t have. He put those people and their families through unimaginable financial, emotional and physical torture to get more money. As they looked to him for help, he lied to them, and he must have witnessed their anguish time and again. Some of his patients went blind from the treatment he administered, and others became terribly ill, and some died. As he begged the judge for mercy at his trial, he admitted he had done it for his own power and greed.

This tale is in stark contrast to Doctors who give up a life of luxury and comfort to serve the sick and needy in impoverished or dangerous places. They look for ways to help people rather than hurt them. Many medical missionaries work for free and even pay their own way to go where they are needed. They sacrifice for others rather than making others sacrifice for them and their services.

One contrast that was off-the-charts unbelievable was when we were lost in our own trespasses and sin and knew not nor cared about GOD or His Son, “God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life (John 3:16). He was all-powerful and yet He sacrificed His precious Son for we who were so unworthy.

Wayne Lance (2015) – That’s Good News to Share!