Disabled Veterans

Recently I’ve learned a lot more of what it means to be a Disabled Veteran. I have always respected their sacrifice, but I didn’t personally know one. It’s different when you hear of the daily struggles these wounded warriors endure. Some were wounded again when they returned home and weren’t provided the help they needed. They were seen as looking for a handout, when they should have been respectfully given what they deserve. We as a nation haven’t always taken care of our troops after they were damaged while taking care of us.

I got to know one Disabled Vet, we call Brother Randall, who said he is 300% disabled but the Veteran’s Administration (VA) only rates up to 100%. Does that mean they healed his wounds and made him whole again? No, he is constantly struggling with physical and mental problems. His own difficulties gave him a heart for fellow Veterans, and he encourages them to seek the help they need and deserve. I’m one of those Veterans he has helped.

I recently spent time with another Disabled Veteran, named Joe Ramos, and heard about his struggles. He was injured while serving our country. The VA gave him a low disability rating and provided care in the VA Medical Hospital. He is a senior citizen and should be enjoying his retirement, but his service-related condition has gotten worse due to the treatment. He can’t drive and can barely walk. I told him he should submit another claim and get more help.

So, are these “Disabled Veterans” sitting around feeling sorry for themselves? No way! I got to know Randall while renovating a donated building for Heritage Christian Ministries. He is up early, makes us some coffee and heads out to work on the building. He is the first to arrive and gets a lot done before we even get there. His faithfulness and hard work made this miracle building renovation possible! How can a disabled man do so much work? Though Brother Randall is struggling to hold it together sometimes, he loves GOD with his all and loves other people as himself (Mark 12:30-31)! This wounded warrior offers sincere prayers when he sees a need, tearfully proclaims GOD’s mercy and grace when he teaches, and play’s an anointed harmonica during our Church services! Brother Randall is an “Enabled Child of GOD!”

Brother Ramous is another great example. As we talked, he mentioned how they homeschooled their children and “trained them up in the way they should go” (Prov 22:6), and they have become accomplished professionals. He worked hard to support his family and he continues even though his health is deteriorating. I also met him when he came out with his son to help renovate our Church building. He couldn’t help with the labor but shared his wisdom and vast experience. Brother Ramos has been faithful and is another “Enabled Child of GOD!”

Why does JESUS use these broken men when He can get better? JESUS said, “my strength is made perfect in weakness” (2 Cor 12:9 KJV) and that is where these Disabled Veterans are and they know it. The sooner abled bodied discover they are indeed weak and broken without JESUS, the sooner they will “believe in Him” and “have eternal life” (John 3:16)! Surrendering to the drawing of the HOLY SPIRIT will turn you into an “Enabled Child of GOD!”

Wayne Lance