I cringe at the title of this story, but those words got my attention when I saw them in a post someone shared on Facebook. The post talks about Leaders, Pastors and serving, so it may have been a frustrated leader who was trying to encourage people to help in the Church. I hoped they were trying to say, “Pray but get involved and give them a hand” and in fact, he gave examples such as, “faith without works is dead” (James 2:20 KJV). Sadly, the message came across that prayer should be replaced by works. If our own efforts are enough, where does that leave JESUS and the HOLY SPIRIT? Will GOD get the glory if He isn’t needed? The writer used the words “Don’t just pray” but he came across as questioning the power of prayer and that is wrong.
Maybe the writer hasn’t been exposed to real prayer? The kind of prayer that touches the heart of GOD and makes demons flee. That’s the kind of praying our Pastor does. It’s not an easy way out or a short cut, but it is Biblical, powerful and is getting results! He gets up early (Psa 63:1) and spends quality time in with GOD (Mark 1:35). He prays in the SPIRIT and with understanding for his congregation and for others (Eph 6:18). He allows the SPIRIT to go beyond what he knows and make “intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered” (Rom 8:26). All that sets the stage for other services where blinded eyes are opened, pain disappears, lives are changed, and people are delivered! I wouldn’t describe that as “just prayer.”
Similar things happened at the ROAR tent revival in La Vernia. Apostle Nathan Sloan came in preaching the message of faith and people came expecting. Those who stepped out in faith weren’t disappointed that Apostle Sloan “just prayed.” Healing and deliverance were a common occurrence and people started talking. People came out to a tent service, when it was cold, then when it was hot. Even though the services started at 7 pm on Friday through Sunday and didn’t end until late at night, they stayed. All the Apostle did was “just pray”, and GOD did the rest!
Yes, those people who were prayed for will need more teaching, preaching, studying GOD’s WORD, and yes there will be plenty of work to do. But it’s the power of prayer that will bring GOD into the middle of it all and make it possible!
So, “don’t just pray.” Pray like you are talking directly to the GOD who “so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV), because you are, and He is listening, and waiting to do what you can’t!
Wayne Lance – That’s Good News to Share!