Have you ever been “favored” by anyone? Do you want to be? It isn’t a term we commonly use in the U.S., but we use “favorite” and want to be someone’s favorite, especially someone important! I have always referred to my grandchildren as my favorites. My grandson was our favorite grandchild until his sister came along, then we had two favorites. When another granddaughter showed up, she was my favorite too. How can that be? Well, all three are my favorites, none more or less than the other. They each have Grandpa’s favor and the benefits that come with it!
I have been favored many times, but often wondered why. I didn’t feel worthy of their favor. I was favored by some of my Air Force supervisors. When I was sent to Saudi Arabia for six months, my first supervisor favored his female friend over me and became angry when I mentioned it. After that I couldn’t do anything right in his eyes. He left after a few months and for some reason, his replacement favored me. What a difference his favor made! He gave me more attention, valued my opinion, and was personally interested in my well-being. I had similar experiences while working for the State Department. I had one manager who I couldn’t please and others who trusted my judgment and valued everything I did. Being favored is so much better!
Our Pastor is another person who has shown me unmerited favor. He gives his all to the ministry and he has high expectations of others. For some reason he speaks highly of me. I try to do my part to support him and our Church, but I don’t deserve the praises he has given me. His favor does make me want to do better, but I will always be undeserving.
Did you know you are favored of GOD? Yes, ALMIGHTY GOD loves you! “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16 KJV). Wait a minute! You said He loves me, so why is “the world” and “whosoever” included in GOD’s favor? Don’t worry, His favor for you isn’t less because He also favors others. GOD is “able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us” (Eph 3:20 KJV).
But I don’t deserve GOD’s favor! You are right! You can’t meet GOD’s high standards, until you accept His Son. Then the perfect blood of JESUS will wash away your sins and make you perfect! When GOD looks at you, He will see the sinless perfection of JESUS! As you mature in your relationship, you will want to tell others what you have found. You will need GOD’s help to do that, but He won’t mind. You have the favor of GOD!
Wayne Lance (2018)