The United States Department of State just issued a worldwide travel alert due to “increased terrorist threats.” These threats are given more credibility after the tragic Paris attacks and the Russian passenger jet bombing. The threat in Brussels is “serious and imminent” and shut down the capital of the European Union.
The threats even affected the busy Holiday in the US. Authorities said there were no specific credible threats, but security was dramatically increased in airports, malls and public places, just in case.
A troubling video of a policeman killing a black teenager sparked demonstrations which threaten to become violent. Under the heightened terror threat and with racial tensions flaring, both policemen and citizens are in more danger. Economic problems add to the tensions and the local government’s inability to respond.
After 9/11, Americans realized Islamic terrorist can and will attack us at home. After a time of relative peace and prosperity, Europe is being threatened as well. With their worst fears coming true, people don’t know how to respond to callous suicidal attacks and our governments are struggling to find answers. These attacks come at a time when China and Russia are becoming more aggressive, making it harder to find solutions that calm our fears.
The reason they can’t find the solution to our problems, they are looking in the wrong places. They look to men whose decisions have led to the very problems we are seeing. Their plans have failed, and they are afraid of the consequences. Above all they are afraid of death. That is why a small number of terrorists, willing to die for their cause, strikes terror in the hearts of powerful world leaders.
The world should be afraid if they don’t know JESUS as their Savior. They are living on the edge of an eternity in Hell. That should strike terror in their hearts. Hell is far worse than anything men could do to them. The good news is “GOD so loved the world, He gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him might not perish, but have everlasting life… that the world through him might be saved.” (John 3:16-17).
To the saved, GOD says “fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you” (Isaiah 41:10). With your eternity assured and GOD helping you, there is nothing you should fear, but the LORD. That kind of fear (respect) is the beginning of wisdom.
Wayne Lance (2015)