Getting Closer

Perhaps you have seen the idealized picture of the elderly couple walking hand-in-hand with their faces lit up with gentle, but telling smiles. Looking at them we can’t tell how they got to that point. In these times of short relationships we focus on this “happy ever after” scene and hope to be like that some day. It is easy to want to reach that goal ourselves, but do we really want it?

If this couple is normal, they have aches and pains that we can’t see. Some pain would be physical at their age. Getting up, sitting, standing and yes, that stroll they are taking could be accompanied by pain. Holding hands might be to steady one or both of them. One or more serious health problems may be looming. Statistics tell us they won’t live much longer. What do you do when diagnosed and they say it is “treatable” instead of “curable?” In earlier years, they would have shaken it off and been “good as new” in a few days. Now, aches and pains are just added to the collection.

As the years pass mental pain will surely come. A lost child, close friends and family passing away while you live on. Broken and damaged relationships can be as devastating as a death. A personal or public failure blows your façade of everything being fine. You won’t get to that desired “ideal” if you can’t get through these bad times. Is this really our goal? Is there more to life than this?

A resounding YES! Look at the couple from another perspective. They are not getting older, they are getting closer. Knowing that “to live is CHRIST and to die is gain,” they are getting closer to the prize with each passing day. The aches and pains in their bodies remind them of another “gain” they will get. Serious illness is a subject of prayer, not a desperate plea for survival. More prayer is given for each other than themselves, not wanting the other to suffer. Great personal loss become celebrations when loved ones go home to be with JESUS. Being left behind, they have more opportunities to contend for the souls of the living. Loving those who wronged them has kept bitterness and hatred from stealing their joy. They were not perfect and didn’t always do it right. Even when they messed up, GOD’s mercy restored them. They are not failures, they’re forgiven.

Their relationship is stronger than looks that faded or youthful bodies they lost long ago. Their happiness doesn’t depend on achievement. That glory belongs to GOD. Their smiles are genuine because of the joy in their hearts and love for each other. They are thankful they can enjoy the walk together and look to the future (which draws closer) with great anticipation.

Wayne Lance…