I remember watching an old black and white movie of the Titanic sinking and the remaining men calmly singing “Nearer My God to Thee” as the ship sank and lifeboats pulled away taking others to safety. It was surreal because minutes later they would be drowning in the freezing cold water. If it wasn’t an old movie portraying their heroic sacrifice in the best light, most would be desperately trying to find a way to survive or signal for help. Some would panic as they realized they were facing certain death and might cry out to GOD to save them. Surely there would be a few at peace and praying as they slipped into the water. I would hope someone would boldly remind them JESUS can be their Savior or judge and try to take a few souls with them to glory.
That old movie wasn’t that far from reality. We are all on a ship that is slowly sinking into eternity and unless we get in the lifeboat before the ship goes under, we will be lost forever! Much like the movie, part of the ship has already slipped under the waves and the rest will soon follow. It seems surreal to see people so busy with this life as they move ever closer to eternity. Will anyone care how much they enjoyed this life as they face eternity with the beggar and the drug addict? Some have been lulled into s a false sense of safety even as they slide ever closer to death. They will soon know the truth, but it will be too late for them to be saved!
Unlike the movie, there is an endless supply of lifeboats that can take both them and their loved ones to safety. Nobody has to sacrifice for your place in the boat because that has already been done for all who will accept the offer. Some got quietly into the boat without telling anyone. They are safe but brought no one with them. Some made it into the boat at the last possible minute because someone in the lifeboat invited them to come in. That is possible because the lifeboats are close enough to anyone who wants to come to safety. Many call out to those on the sinking ship to join them and will continue calling even as their lifeboat begins to take them away. After all it’s the only way of escape and it will soon be too late!
150,000 more souls go into eternity with each passing day. Most will be found guilty and will be cast into the lake of fire. How can you judge them and say that? Because “wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it” (Mat 7:13-14 KJV) says exactly that.
But it doesn’t have to be because “God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved” (John 3;16-17 KJV). JESUS is the only lifeboat (John 14:6), and you must Accept that you have sinned, believe that JESUS died to pay for your sins and confess JESUS as your LORD and risen SAVIOR to be saved! Come on and get into the lifeboat before it is too late!
Wayne Lance (2022) – That’s Good News to Share!