This hasn’t been a typical week. Our apartment looks like a sparsely furnished hotel room. Suitcases are slowly filling up with things we really need. Susan is giving away possessions that seemed so important only a few days ago. Upcoming events in Beijing, don’t even draw our attention.
Susan was treated to dinner by her friends, and I had a special lunch with my coworkers, where kind words were shared, and goodbyes were said. Last night we attended the Opera with leaders of the Filipino Congregation of the Beijing International Christian Fellowship (our Church). These are unusual events for us, but we are running out of time. You see, we will soon be going home.
We are sad to leave our friends and will miss our overseas adventures, but we are going back home to retire. Our daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren will become part of our daily life. Susan’s married sisters will live close by, and we will reunite with many old friends.
It will be nice to understand most of the people we meet are saying, since we share a common language. I look forward to eating my favorite foods and enjoying the simple pleasures of living in a familiar place. It will be hectic at first, and I will be glad when we finally settle in.
There is another home I am looking forward to going to. I don’t know when I will be leaving, but I know it will be soon. I am preparing for that move also. I am only keeping what I really need and letting go of things that seemed so important only a little while ago. Unusual events are occurring, as I boldly speak out urgent messages to those I care for. You see, I will be going home soon.
That home is in Heaven and was made possible because “God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16 NIV). I will be there with people I love and will understand them completely. It will be so familiar that I will quickly settle in. I hope you will accept Jesus as your Savior so will be there too.
Wayne Lance (2016)